2023-2024 Academic Year Single Course Exam
About the students who will take the Single Course exam in the Spring Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year;
Provisional Article 30 of the Higher Education Law - (Additional: 10/12/1988 - 3511/3 Art.) ".... senior students who have only one course left to graduate and those who are still waiting for the last grade from a single course can take the semester exams to be opened for this course, provided that they pay their tuition fees." provision and Article 23 (8) of our University Associate Degree, Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations
a) Students who take all the courses in the education program and meet the attendance requirement, but have only one unsuccessful course left for graduation, regardless of whether the course is offered in the relevant semester, can take the single course exam on the date specified in the academic calendar by applying to the relevant department head within the periods specified in the academic calendar. If they are not successful in the single course exam, they can take the single course exam again provided that they pay the student contribution / tuition fee. "Students who do not make an application even though they have paid the "student contribution / tuition fee" cannot take the single course exam.
Regarding the fee deposit status of students applying for the Single Course Exam for the Spring Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year;
1) During the active period, if the student has registered for the course and is an "active student", he/she can take the exam free of charge,
2) If the student does not have a course registration in the active period, if he / she is a "passive student", with the decision of the Board of Directors from the academic units, the relevant personnel of the Automation and Statistics Branch Directorate of our Presidency will be added to the student's excused course registration and the bank between 03-05 July 2024 (until 17:00).
will be able to participate in the exam by paying the Single Course Exam Fee.
3) Before the student is taken to the Single Course Exam, the student will be allowed to participate in the exam after it is determined by the academic advisor that the student has paid the exam fee from the "Academic Transactions-Fee Information" tab on OBS.