Horizontal/Vertical Transition
Students who apply for Transfer are required to fill out the following forms in computer environment, send an e-mail to makinemuh@karabuk.edu.tr address, sign the printouts and submit them to the department secretariat.
1-Exemption Application can only be made 1 time.
2- The courses for which exemption is requested must provide at least 8 weeks of similarity over 14 weeks as specified in the directive in terms of content.
3- The application should be made according to the language of instruction of the course in the curriculum. (For the courses given in Turkish, the course for which exemption is requested must be processed in a foreign language or in Turkish. for the courses given in English, the course for which exemption is requested must be processed in English.)
Required Request Documents
2. Annex-1 Equivalency Table
3. Annex-2 Transcript Document (Photocopy can be given provided that it is wet signed or the original is shown.)
4. Annex-3 Student Certificate
Information Documents
1 – University Exemption Directive
Note: Applications with missing documents will not be considered.
Students who apply for DGS are required to apply according to the DGS Exemption Courses prepared by the department board. Our students are required to fill out the forms in computer environment, send an e-mail to the makinemuh@karabuk.edu.tr address, sign the printouts and submit them to the department secretariat. You can reach the required documents and DGS Exemption Courses from the links below.
1- Exemption Application can only be made 1 time.
2- The courses for which exemption is requested must provide at least 8 weeks of similarity over 14 weeks as specified in the directive in terms of content.
3- The application should be made according to the language of instruction of the course in the curriculum. (For the courses given in Turkish, the course for which exemption is requested must be processed in a foreign language or in Turkish. for the courses given in English, the course for which exemption is requested must be processed in English.)
Required Application Documents
1. Application Petition (You can download it by clicking here. )
2. Annex-1 Exemption Request Table (You can download it by clicking here. )
3. Annex-2 Transcript Document
Information Documents
1 – DGS Exemption Courses (You can download it by clicking here.)
2 – University Exemption Directive (You can download it by clicking here. )
Note: Applications with missing documents will not be considered.