2019-2020 Summer School Final Exams

You can reach the make-up exam schedule of 2019-2020 Summer School from the links below. In order to find your lessons in our exam program, you need to pay attention to the curriculum of your lesson, the branch and the lecturer of your lesson by filtering the lesson code from the column called lesson code. After performing these procedures, you need to check the date, time and address of your course and perform your exam at that address on the exam date-time.

Our students will choose multiple choice and classic exams in two different exam methods. Multiple choice exams will be held at sinav.karabuk.edu.tr and classical exams will be held at lms.karabuk.edu.tr and Microsoft Teams program. In our exam program, in the classrooms section, you can enter the required address or program according to the type of the course and you can access your exams directly by clicking on the Excel file or by entering the program. You must contact the lecturer who is responsible for the course for the courses that have been specified in the exam schedule but they are in yellow. The exams of these courses will be held under the supervision of our faculty member who is responsible for the course, and they are over KBUZEM. It is important for all students to update and actively follow up their phone numbers and e-mail addresses on OBS.

Your Username: Student Number Password: T.C. Your Identity Number for multiple choice exams (sinav.karabuk.edu.tr). You can take the exam no later than 15 minutes. The system does not take the exam who tries to enter after 15 minutes. Adjust yourself and your exam inventory accordingly. The system (sinav.karabuk.edu.tr) will be active during the exam time of each student. Therefore, it is not possible to enter the system before your exam hours. It is natural to try to enter the system before the exam time and get an error message. It is important to try to enter the system when your exam time comes.

Your Username: T.C. Your Identity Number Password: T.C. Your Identity Number for classic exams (lms.karabuk.edu.tr). You should definitely read the other important issues about classic exams at kbuzem.karabuk.edu.tr/sinav.html and also remember to follow this address during the exam week.

2019-2020 Summer School Final Exam Schedule


Since there may be changes in the midterm exam schedules (due to possible exam conflicts), you should definitely check the current exam dates one day before the exams begin.