2018-2019 Graduation Projects Exhibition

Karabuk University (KBU) Faculty of Engineering has opened a project exhibition consisting of graduation projects of KBU Biomedical Engineering Department, which includes tools and equipment to facilitate human life in the field of finance.
In the opening of the exhibition, Vice Rector of KBU Dr. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yaşar, Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering Dr. İdris Kabalcı, Karabük Oral and Dental Health Hospital Head Dentist Ahmet Ustaoğlu, ITU Physics Engineering Department Assoc. Dr. Prof. Dr. Ali Gelir, KBU Training and Research Hospital Chest Diseases Department Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Acat and faculty members and students attended.
In total, there are 22 projects in the exhibition; ‘Pulse-Based Home Type ECG Device’, ‘Omega 3 Measurement Device’, ‘Prototype EEG Device’, ‘Bionic Hand Control with Data from Leap Motion and EMG Devices’, ‘Design and Fabrication of a Portable Vein Imaging Tool’, ‘Develop Biocompatible 3D Biopolymeric Materials for Tissue Repair’, ‘KAFO’ and ‘Medical Device Automation’ were exhibited.



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