About the 2023-2024 Summer School Final Exam Schedule
About the 2023-2024 Summer School Final Exam Schedule

You can access the 2023-2024 Summer School Final Exams announcement from the Faculty of Engineering website link below. Follow the announcements on your department website and the OBS system daily for updates to your exam schedule. The exam schedule includes the exam date, time, and class you need to take the exam in. You can filter your course code from the course code column to find your courses in the exam schedule.

Please pay attention to the name of your course, its branch, the class the course exam is in, and the instructor you took the course from. Our students are required to take the exam in the class whose name is written on the instructor they are taking their courses from, and it is even mandatory.

All exams will be held face-to-face and supervised at our faculty.

Students must be present in the classrooms 15 minutes before the exam starts.

2023-2024 Summer School Final Exam Schedule Announcement

NOTE: Since there may be changes in final exam schedules (due to possible exam conflicts), be sure to check the current exam dates one day before the exams begin. Also, be sure to follow the announcements on your faculty and department pages daily.